Car Loan Debt
Auto deficiency lawsuits can be very difficult for the company suing you to prove. Sometimes these types of suits arise several years after the car is turned in to the dealership. Thus, the company suing you might not have all the necessary documents in their possession, nor have they the ability to obtain the witnesses to authenticate the documents.
Some additional defenses may include:
- The salesperson may have misrepresented the quality of the vehicle.
- The original contract may have problems.
- The repossession may have been handled incorrectly.
- Required notices may not have been sent.
- The resale of the vehicle may not have been conducted correctly.
- The calculation of the remaining balance may be inflated.
- Plus, many other potential defense approaches which are unique to each case.
Along with the original dealerships, common debt-buying companies that sue for alleged auto loan deficiencies include Cascade Capital, LLC, Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, and others.