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Landlords and contractor disputes: What are my legal remedies?

On Behalf of | Sep 3, 2024 | Real estate litigation

For landlords, maintaining and repairing rental properties is important for more than just aesthetics, it can be a legal issue. State law requires landlords in Florida keep the property in good working order. As such, a failure for a contractor to meet contract specifications or cause further damage can be a significant headache.

What options are available for landlords in Florida when a contractor fails to fulfill the agreement?

Thankfully, Florida law also provides specific protections for property owners like landlords when contractors fail to fulfill their obligations. These rights can include:

  • Right to repair: Under Florida statutes, property owners have the right to demand repairs for work that does not comply with the agreed terms.
  • Liens and bonds: If a contractor causes damage, landlords can claim against the contractor’s bond or insurance to cover the costs of repairs and damages.

Knowing these legal frameworks can empower landlords to take appropriate actions when disputes arise.

How can landlords better ensure a favorable resolution in these situations?

Landlords are wise to document everything when faced with this type of issue. Keep detailed records of all agreements, communications, and transactions with the contractor. Documentation can be crucial in legal proceedings.

It is also important to reach out to the contractor and communicate clearly and formally. Notify the contractor of the issues in writing, specifying the problems and the expected resolutions. Give them a reasonable deadline to respond or rectify the situation. If the contractor fails to address the concerns, consult with an attorney with experience in contract law or real estate to discuss further actions, including legal claims.

These proactive steps help ensure that the landlord’s interests are protected and that issues are resolved as smoothly as possible.